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live my life, Monrovia, Liberia,

Our interest in community art projects began in 2008 when we developed a project in collaboration with the City of Monrovia in Liberia, Africa. In a further collaboration with Handicap International and the NGO “TIM” (This is Monrovia), and with the assistance of multiple local communities, we created a large-scale art project designed to raise awareness of the problems of mobility and accessibility for disabled citizens. 

We created shows and films, worked in the city, and participated in creating the first wheelchair ramp (at the Monrovia City Hall) in Monrovia for the inauguration of our show. For images, see and 


In addition, in collaboration with the Liberian Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism,

we participated in the International Colloquium on Women’s Empowerment of Liberia with the project

Believe in Liberia” . With our drawings we assisted in promoting Liberian women as key actors

of local development. 




Eirini Linardaki - Vincent Parisot all right for the images reserved to the artists © Linardaki-parisot

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